MEP Mislav Kolakušić: "Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street, funds most people have never heard of, control assets worth more than $15 trillion, which is 3 times more than the U.S. annual budget for 2020 ($4.79T) and more than the GDP of the People's Republic of China. These funds have stakes in all major pharmaceutical, media, arms, transportations, and banks, which means that they not only own all the major world companies, but they truly own the economy."
Notable Companies Under the Ownership of Blackrock/Vanguard
Of the top 10 media companies in the world, only Sony does not have these funds in its ownership structure.
"I think most people would have taken the over on that [a week's time] just knowing how government is. It takes them a week just to even have a meeting, usually, about stuff like that."
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"Look at that crime. It's 72% — way up there. The second most important issue for the federal government to address. And then abortion, all the way down here..."
"Stock prices just immediately shot up like crazy."
So appreciate all that you do. You are amazing. From my hear to yours, Thank you. Tracy Western Australia