Vaccine Myocarditis Update; Review of Thai Study & VAERS
VAERS is only capturing a slither of myocarditis cases. That slither is 51,337 myo/pericarditis cases.
"Only in America are we seeing science showing numbers that low. Everywhere else in the world is looking much worse."
"You take all of the vaccines since 2010, the entire childhood schedule, and you compare Myo/Pericarditis in all those vaccines; in 2021, they go through the roof when they start injecting these kids."
"I think most people would have taken the over on that [a week's time] just knowing how government is. It takes them a week just to even have a meeting, usually, about stuff like that."
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"Look at that crime. It's 72% — way up there. The second most important issue for the federal government to address. And then abortion, all the way down here..."
"Stock prices just immediately shot up like crazy."
So appreciate all that you do. You are amazing. From my hear to yours, Thank you. Tracy Western Australia